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David 🇺🇸 & Emily 🇨🇦
Feel the miles melt away, one question at a time

150 expert crafted questions proven to improve your communication and connection with your long disance love.

A super easy way to bring a bit of adventure and excitement into the quality time we spend together online.

David 🇺🇸 & Emily 🇨🇦

7 Tips to Craft Deeply Romantic Long Distance Love Letters

Lisa McKay | Updated: October 11, 2023

Long distance love letters are a powerful way to express emotions and explain feelings for the people we have to love from afar.

They can also improve our relationships!

Think about the last time you got something personal through the mail.

Wasn’t it an amazing feeling?

It’s time to incorporate them into your relationship!

These tips won’t write for you. But they will get the creative juices flowing and inspire you to craft the most amazing letters for your long distance love.

tips and tricks for writing love letters in a long distance relationship pinterest image

How to Write Romantic Love Letters For Long Distance Relationships

1. Be original

When many of us get the idea to a write a love letter, our first thought is to write in a totally different style to the one we usually use. We can opt for all sorts of flowery language, or write down things we’d never say.

But if you want to pen a sincere and heartfelt letter to your loved one, you need to be original. And that means being yourself and not copying anything from the internet.

Writing in your own voice is the best way to really make the contents of your letter feel genuine and like you.

Put aside your fear and write an original first draft that focuses on what you want to say rather than how to say it. This will help you express your feelings in a natural way, and when your SO reads your letter, they’ll feel like you’re right there talking to them. 

2. Get comfortable

Being in the right headspace is important when writing a long distance love letter. So if you get stuck and start struggling for the right words to say, put your pen down and do something that will help you to relax.

Listening to music is a good option.

Writer’s block is nothing to be ashamed of and will happen no matter how much you love your partner. The best thing to do is to put your letter to one side and allow yourself to relax. What you want to say to your partner will eventually take shape in the back of your mind and come to you when you’re ready.

3. Look everywhere for sources of inspiration


Think of memories you’ve experienced with your partner that are packed with emotion. If you get emotional thinking or writing about a memory, chances are they will, too. Reminiscing can bring back so many good feelings. Write a few lines about a good memory in a love note and they’ll feel nostalgic all day.

Make promises

A promise is always nice to hear and you can get really personal with these. Promising someone you’ll forever be there for them is just wonderful. Also funny little promises can be sweet. Think chores, favours, or travel. (Or, um, exactly how you plan to greet them the next time you see them).

Inside jokes

An inside joke is great evidence of a lasting bond. Try and think of some old ones, this will make them feel nostalgic and put a smile on their face.

Your bucket list

Write the things you want to experience with them; fly in a helicopter over New York? Go to the Everest base camp? Do a tandem bungee jump? Include little things too, things you can accomplish easily – like going to that amazing restaurant you keep talking about.

Encouragement and kindness

Tell them what you appreciate most about them: How they always seem to cheer you up, or are always willing to listen to your problems. Remind them of their best qualities; funny, wise, caring, helpful. Everyone loves to hear words of encouragement like this–hey’ll really appreciate it.


Find their favourite quotes or ones you know they’ll enjoy (check out our page of timeless long distance love quotes). Or quote something they have said.

Tell them things that they have said to you that have really stuck with you and impacted you, things you thought were smart or wise, or things that really warmed your heart.


Writing a poem for someone can be hard, but so worth it! It doesn’t need to be long, or even that ‘good’. Just make sure you put effort into it and they’ll be able to recognize that. If you’ve never written a poem (or, ahem, a naughty limerick) before, Google is a great place to find tips!

Words of love

This classic is simple: Just tell them how much you love, appreciate, and miss them. Tell them how you can’t wait to see them again. Tell them all the things you’d love to be doing with them right now. This is always wonderful to hear.

4. Draft, draft and draft again

Modern films love showing letter writing as a frenzied, spontaneous act that happens in the moment.

But no matter how full of love your heart is, you can’t be expected to write a winning love letter straightaway, especially if writing doesn’t come naturally to you.

You’re far more likely to write a snog-worthy message if you put some thought into it and write a draft first. When you know what you’re writing is only a draft, and you won’t send it, that will free you up to be honest and sincere. You might be surprised at what you find yourself putting down on paper. 

Of course, feel free to pick up a pen and write down your thoughts and feelings if the moment takes you. Just don’t feel under pressure to write this way.

Giving yourself plenty of time to jot down what you cherish about your partner, your favourite memories, or what you hope for in the future, can be used to compose a letter that shows every side of your personality and captures everything you wish to say.

5. Make sure it’s special

Receiving an email or text message is nothing special. So don’t make the mistake of sending your love letter electronically. Take the time to write your message by hand and turn what could be an email into a beautifully hand-crafted missive that’s not only well written but thoughtfully presented.

There are lots of ways to make sure yours looks just as good as it reads. Investing in writing paper or splashing out on some personalised stationery will show the recipient you spent time curating your message and thought carefully about everything from the words on the page to the paper itself.

6. Romantic gestures

When it comes to love letters, personal touches can make a huge difference to how they make your recipient feel. Spraying your letter with perfume or cologne can really help them feel like you’re right there, close enough to touch.

Surprising your partner is a lot of fun, too.

Hide your love letter in their bag or lay it on their pillow when you leave after a visit. This will make an event of finding your letter and make reading it even more memorable.

Romantic gestures are important in a relationship and can open up new pathways of communication and foster intimacy. Though writing a love letter can make you feel vulnerable, it’s worth it. A special letter is something your partner will treasure. It will lift their spirits for days, and make them feel closer to you.

7. Start now!

There is no better time to start than right now!

You’re here because you want to write a love letter to your long distance partner. So get cracking while your motivation is high.

If the thought of writing a love letter makes you feel weird, just write a plain old letter.

Tell them some of what’s been going on for you lately, tell stories about the big and little details of your life, and ask them questions about what’s going on for them. The letter doesn’t need to be long or flowery.

Just getting a letter is romantic, even if the letter itself is light-hearted and chatty.

Final Writing Tips From Iconic Love Letters

If you’re still looking for inspiration, check out these tips (collated by Invaluable) from iconic love letters that have defined romantic writing for hundreds of years.

But before that…

Remember, it’s the thought that counts.

Don’t worry too much about your spelling or grammar. Just remember that it’s what you’re feeling and saying that truly counts.

famous love letters

Lisa McKay author image for bio
Lisa McKay is an award-winning author and psychologist. She is also the founder of Modern Love Long Distance, now a part of Lasting The Distance. Drawing upon her own extensive experience with long distance relationships, Lisa helps couples navigate LDR pitfalls and forge meaningful, enduring connections across the miles.
Feel the miles melt away, one question at a time

150 expert crafted questions proven to improve your communication and connection with your long disance love.

A super easy way to bring a bit of adventure and excitement into the quality time we spend together online.

David 🇺🇸 & Emily 🇨🇦
Feel the miles melt away, one question at a time

150 expert crafted questions proven to improve your communication and connection with your long disance love.

A super easy way to bring a bit of adventure and excitement into the quality time we spend together online.

David 🇺🇸 & Emily 🇨🇦